Thank you for sending in your pictures! I may now show you the following pictures of my dear readers!
Guro Lolita von Mirella Marshmallow und Nancy:
They wore these outfits in Düsseldorf, Germany. A short description of their day spent there is on Mirella's Blog. The article also includes more pictures. ;)
Und als zweites möchte ich Duplica danken, dass sie ihr Outfit mit uns teilt.
Second I want to thank Duplica for sharing her outfit with us!
Duplica x Nana Kitade:
She was inspired by Nana Kitade, a japanese singer. Nana Kitade herself was inspired by Ruby Gloom to wear a similar outfit, like she wore for the following picture:
(Quelle/Taken from:
1 Kommentar:
Danke fürs Posten!^^
Und das Ruby Gloom / Nana Kitade outfit von Duplica ist voll cool!<3
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